Wednesday 6 October 2010


The story is about a circus bear being separated from his beloved bicycle when he falls out the back of a circus truck, the characters and objects he interacts with on the way to being reunited with it and his escape.
The story begins with a shot of a circus tent, and we see a bear lapping the ring inside on a bicycle. It then cuts to the circus trucks travelling along a bumpy country road. The bear gets thrown around inside and hits the back of the door, breaking the weak lock and tumbling out onto the road. We see a shot of the bicycle in the truck as it disappears off, he looks up to it, in shock not wanting to be parted from it.
He wanders down the road and ends up at a bus stop where he meets a blind old lady and her guide dog. She mistakes him for the guide dog and drags him into the bus that is heading into town; the guide dog tries to follow but the bus doors close in his face.
When they arrive in the town they end up outside a bakery. The bear looks longingly at the bread and hits his head on the window trying to get at it, before noticing a scooter reflected in the glass. He goes up to it thinking it’s a bicycle and treats it accordingly, comically peddling air, accidently kicking the kick start and riding away, scaring people in the town and a truck driver further down the road.
After driving along for a while the scooter begins to stutter as its fuel runs low. The circus tent reappears having pitched outside another town further up from the last. The bear gets off the scooter leaving it in the road and walks down the circus. He finds his bicycle and happily begins to ride it away. The clowns notice him and pursue but crash into the scooter left in the middle of the road and the bear cycles away free. After brief credits shown at the bottom of the animation. We see he has gone to live with the blind old lady, much to the guide dogs disapproval as the bear knocks biscuits off the saucer into his mouth.

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